Are you shopping for new window furnishings? Struggling to choose between curtains and blinds for your space? If so, perhaps it is time for you to consider pairing both window dressings together. While this Is hardly an easy task, when done correctly, a dramatic and desirable result can be achieved.
To start you off, we have complied a few easy to follow tips that will help to attain a great window dressing pairing.
Choose Your Blinds First, Before Your Curtains
Blinds should always be picked first; in general roller blinds and venetian blinds make safe choices for this combination of window dressings. This is because they provide a basic solid block of colour that is easier to match your curtains to later.
On this note, we encourage that you avoid picking prints for your blinds if this is your first-time matching blinds with curtains. This is because, too much complexity may be introduced into your window’s interior design. Consequently, a chaotic image may emerge, running your best efforts to match the two furnishings.
Pair Them to Achieve a High & Wide Effect
When positioned strategically, curtains and blinds can have an interesting effect of creating a visually larger and longer window space. A common technique to achieve this effect involves placing your blinds several inches above your window.
Following which, light weight curtains can be placed at the same height on top of your blinds but covering a slightly wider width. If done correctly, your window will appear to be much larger than it actually is as people assume that the top part of the blinds also covers a portion of the window.
Don’t Forget the Material and Colour of the Rod
Curtains and blinds must be mounted from a rod, as such it too plays a part in affecting the overall impression that the window dressings have on your interior. If you are utilising curtains and blinds that have strong designs or patterns, then you should not use shiny rods like silver or gold. Instead, a matte finish would complement the window dressings.
However, if lighter materials, especially those that are semi opaque are used, then brighter rods will pair better, adding an interesting touch to the window.
Choosing Curtains and Blinds for your Space
Choosing the right curtains and blinds for your space can be an uphill task for novice home designers. As such, it would pay dividends for you to engage a professional curtains and blinds Singapore to assess your space and make recommendations. Furthermore, their experience will allow them to advise you on the type of materials and system to employ in your home. Since no two spaces are the same, their expertise will be invaluable to ensure that you can get the most out of your space.