When hiring a security company, you should obtain various offers. It is essential to place complete trust in the professional security service because the organizer bears responsibility. The security company should work transparently from start to finish, and they must also be able to provide evidence of the services provided without any gaps. The reports are generated automatically and usually sent directly by e-mail after the shift at many security companies. In this way, the client has a daily overview of the completion of the commissioned services.
When looking for a suitable security company with fire alarms like Forbel fire alarms for example, using the reference customer overview or the security service search is the option to find what you are looking for. When bidding, the client should look for security companies that use an online guard control system. However, the professional competence of the security personnel is just as important as the social competence of the security people. Good event protection does not attract too much attention. When choosing a security company, care should be taken to ensure that the security guards demonstrate perfect manners, are friendly to the organizers and guests, and have a well-groomed appearance. The organizer can determine this without difficulty when obtaining the offers and directly conversing with the person responsible for the security service. Guarding always requires certain reliability and perseverance.
If an event is planned, the organizer can quickly and flexibly obtain offers from several security services in the vicinity of the location. The security companies will send their offers to the customer within a short time. The security company can contact the customer by telephone, e-mail, or writing (letter).
When obtaining offers and comparing costs, care should be taken to ensure that the desired services and the service priorities are always met. The security company should be able to actively implement all of the security requirements requested by the client from start to finish. Obtaining offers is always non-binding and usually free of charge. The offers are often very extensive, so the client should always focus on his individual needs in terms of event security.
The client should correctly assess the seriousness and competence of the security company; only then can solid trust develop between the organizers and the security personnel. Spotting black sheep in the security industry may not be easy, but the experience and knowledge of human nature can be of use to the organizer of an event. Various documents and some agreements between the contractual partners clearly show whether the security company works seriously and is qualified.
Certain documents are necessary for the client to be able to accept an offer. This includes the approval according to the security ordinance and the business registration of the security company. The security company employees must have successfully passed both the expertise test and the reliability test. It must be possible to present these documents to the client; only then is a certain degree of seriousness guaranteed. The protection of trade secrets and a data protection agreement between the client and the security service are often specified. The necessary documents also include a document in which the service provider guarantees compliance with the minimum wage regulation and the collective agreement.