
Tips On How To Take Care Of Your Lawn

Having a beautiful and well-kept garden is the wish of all those who have this space at home. But, for it to be really beautiful, it is necessary to worry, first of all, about the grass that covers the whole area.

A green, trimmed, and the well-kept lawn is essential for the health and beauty of your garden. And so that it is always beautiful and showy, it is necessary to take some precautions ranging from the choice of grass to regular maintenance or better still invite professionals like Madison commercial landscaping services to help you take care of your lawn.

  1. Choose The Most Suitable Type Of Grass

There are several types of grasses, and each one needs specific care. To know which type is most suitable for your home, you need to consider some aspects, such as climate, type of soil, and the use you intend to attribute to the lawn. However, it is essential to note that this type of grass should be trimmed more regularly. This is because, when very high, it can drown out the earth.

  1. Care During Planting

After providing the most suitable type of grass, it is time to prepare the soil for planting. The first step is to eliminate any elements that may obstruct the soil’s surface, such as stones, rubble, remains of cement, and other obstacles present in the area. It is also essential to eradicate possible weeds.

Another important issue is to fertilize the land, ensure the lawn’s good rooting, and the rapid formation of new leaves. To start planting, the soil must be wetted to facilitate the rooting of the grass slabs. It is recommended to plant one next to the other to minimize the space between the boards as much as possible during the adaptation period – approximately seven days – water the grass daily at dusk, when the sun is weaker. This care is essential to prevent the leaves from being burned.

  1. Pruning

Pruning your lawn regularly is critical to keeping it healthy. After all, pruning strengthens grass growth and prevents muffling caused by uneven growth. But you have to be very careful not to mow the lawn too much. When very short, the grass tends to become weaker, contributing to the development of weeds and becoming more susceptible to the appearance of diseases and pest attacks. The ideal is not to leave below 3 cm.

  1. Irrigation

Irrigation is one of the most important factors to ensure the health of your lawn. But, after all, how do you know how often it should be done? The need for water depends on factors such as runoff and the region’s climate. However, in general, the grass should be watered before the soil is arid and preferably in the morning. However, it is also recommended to water in the late afternoon or at night on very hot days.

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