
Best Locations for a Home Bar

You’ve dreamed about it for years. A bar right in your home for you to mix drinks and entertain guests. You’ve already got it all planned out – the drinks you’d mix, where to get the different glasses and liquors, how you’d invite friends over to indulge in freshly-made cocktails. And now you’re finally taking steps to do it.

Planning a home bar in your house may come with a few roadblocks, and the biggest one is sure to be deciding where you’re going to place it. While you might have considered a few spots, chances are you’re still juggling a few locations and can’t decide which way to go.

If you’re stuck finding the perfect space for your home bar, here are a few spots to consider.

1. The Dining Room

Many dining rooms come with buffets to store extra dishes, cookbooks, decorations, and other pieces. If your dining room is lacking one, consider placing your dining room home bar in place of where a buffet would be. Smaller bar cabinets are perfectly compact for a dining room and are simple enough that they won’t stand out when not in use. You can also use the top as a place for the glasses, a cocktail shaker, or your most expensive wines. You can display everything on tabletop racks to ensure nothing cracks or falls, and leaves plenty of room in the cabinet for you to stock the bar.

2. The Kitchen

If you have a large kitchen, a home bar might be the perfect way to make use of that extra space. This is especially the case if you have a big kitchen with an island and chairs already – you can mix the drinks at the bar and serve them on the island for everyone to grab. Just like a dining room bar, a kitchen cabinet bar is compact but can still be maximized with the use of tabletop racks. Yet whether you opt for a small cabinet bar against the wall or a full bar with a countertop and stools, a bar in the kitchen is also the best way to ensure you can keep your guests fed while the drinks are flowing.

3. The Basement

Got a finished basement? Then a bar is the best way to complete the room! Many people furnish their finished basement with carpeting, a living room set, a TV, and perhaps even a pool table. They become multipurpose rooms great for entertaining guests or unwinding in peace after a long day. Most basements are large so if your home has a solid basement, it could likely accommodate s bigger home bar. You’ll be able to put a full bar, complete with shelves, racks, and chairs or stools. A basement home bar could be the perfect man cave location. You’ll also be able to decorate to your heart’s content without worrying if your decor matches the rest of your home’s aesthetic. Yes, that means you can put up sports memorabilia, movie or band posters, and other sentimental items that don’t belong in the main part of your home. You can add backsplashes, a pantry, or even a cabinet to ensure that your bar is well-stocked and aesthetically pleasing.

Regardless of the room you choose, a home bar is sure to liven up any party and brighten up your abode.

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